News Articles

Yamini Designs Wins ASID Illinois Design Excellence Award for Best Bath by a Small Design Firm


Yamini Designs was honored to win the 2021 Design Excellence award for Best Bath By a Small Design Firm. The award was presented at the Celebration of Design Gala held at the Merchandise Mart River Front the evening of September 16 and was attending by interior design peers, industry partners, and guests. “Our clients’ goal was to have a spa-like sanctuary where they could retreat after long work days and busy evenings taking care of their young children. The wife wanted an elegant space for long baths and a makeup vanity and the husband’s requirement was a steam shower with easy to maintain, affordable finishes. They also wanted the illusion of a grand bathroom in a footprint of a smaller space. With a strict construction budget and a baby on the way, we were asked to give them as much bang for the buck in a timeline that was further interrupted with the pandemic”.

NEWSYamini Hingorani